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Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are committed to providing you with professional and efficient solutions. They have the expertise and knowledge to help you achieve your goals. Our clients relationship team is well-trained and always available to assist you. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients' best interests are always our top priority and we will strive to provide you with the highest level of service.


Integrity & Accountability

As a company, we believe in the importance of integrity and accountability. We believe that our actions and decisions should be guided by ethical principles and that we should always be transparent and truthful in our dealings with others. Our commitment to these values sets us apart as a responsible and trustworthy organization, and helps to foster strong relationships with our employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders.



Our commitment to transparency extends to all aspects of our operations. We have implemented strict checks and balances to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure compliance with laws and regulations, such as those related to corruption, bribery, and money laundering. Independent auditors perform regular audits of our operations to ensure that we maintain the highest levels of transparency and integrity.



We have a rigorous process for identifying Shariah-compliant equities for investment.

Our investment decisions are based on comprehensive fundamental research, including a thorough evaluation of the financial strength and track record of companies, as well as their business operations and governance. We also take into consideration the prospects for the economies and sectors in which the companies operate.

What does Alphacapital (M) Berhad offer?
Investment opportunity in a Shariah Profitable Channel.

Is it Shariah Compliant?
Yes, the fund shall only be invested in Shariah Profitable Channel based on shariah compliant contract.

How can you make profit?
Under Musyarakah contract between the party involved. We offer a flexibility of targeted gross profit sharing throughout the financing tenure.

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